

New Wine, New Wineskins: Sports Ministry For A New Generation, 「新しいぶどう酒は新しい革袋に」次世代向けスポーツミニストリーの一事例

September 23, 2022 · Returnees · Michito Kasagawa

In 2016, we started a futsal (indoor soccer) team and entered into the 3rd league of Osaka Futsal Federation. There were many challenges to do this ministry for a local church in order to successfully reach out to a new generation as a mission. This seminar will show three years of my experiences leading this ministry, and how I cooperate with overseas churches and returnee ministries. 2016年からフットサルチームを立ち上げ、大阪府フットサルリーグ(3部)に参入しました。地域教会にとって、次世代に対する伝道を成功させるために、このミニストリーを続けるのには多くのチャレンジがありました。このセミナーでは3年間のミニストリー経験を共有し、どのように海外教会とリターニー向けの宣教活動と協力しているかについてお話ししたいと思います。 Bio: Michito 笠川路人 Assistant Pastor of Ibaraki Bible Church (Osaka, Japan) He was born in Saitama as a son of a minister’s family. After ten years of experience in the business field, he moved to Canada to study theology at Regent College. Currently, he works at a church in Osaka as an assistant pastor and directs an English teaching ministry and sports ministry. 茨木聖書教会 伝道師
