

Exploring Long-Term or Short-Term Service in Unchurched Parts of Japan

September 23, 2022 · Church Planting · Dawn Brikner

Learn how to touch the areas in rural Japan still lacking gospel access. For those considering future long-term service in Japan; retirees, gap year students, or others considering mid-term service; or those from Japan or who frequently travel to Japan to visit relatives or for business and thus have the potential to take or lead recurrent short-term mission trips, learn about the journey to long-term or recurrent short-term service, concrete opportunities, and how to prepare to serve in the unchurched areas of Japan, which are all rural. Bio: Dawn is the director or Reaching Japanese Together (www.reachingjapan.org). She also leads the Rural Japan Church Planting Network (www.ruraljapanchurch.com). Her primary ministry is leading a church plant in North Coastal Iwate in the towns of Iwaizumi, Tanohata, Fudai, and Noda. She has been serving as a rural church planter in Japan for the last 17 years
