

Outreach Methods That Seemed To WORK And NOT WORK To Reach Japanese For Christ In Japan And In The USA

September 23, 2022 · Evangelism · Ron and Joan Stoller

From our experiences of over 40 years as a couple plus 25 years of Joan’s single life in Japan, we want to share ways we used to reach out to the Japanese and see how they came to a relationship with Christ. We will also discuss methods that seemed to work and others that didn’t work to bring the Gospel to the Japanese. 私達は日本で40年間宣教師を務め、家内は1950年から日本に住んだり学校に務めたり、退職して地元オレゴンに帰って日本人と関わり、退職後毎年日本でのボランデア伝道活動の様々な伝道法と経験を参考に、分かち合いたいと思います。Bio: Ron went to Japan in 1973 as a short term missionary with the North American Baptist Mission to teach English. After meeting Joan Youngquist who was a daughter of Baptist General Mission missionaries, they married in Kobe, Japan and were involved in Student Evangelism outreach with NAB for 17 years. They then transitioned into church planting for 20 years until retirement in 2014.
