クリスチャンと文化背 Christianity and Cultural Context


Challenge of Being Christian in Non-Christian Cultures

Everyone is born into a culture and is raised in it. His/her culture is norm (even best and correct) to him. We are living in a various cultures. None of us is living in a vacuum. What does the sovereignty of God mean in the culture of democracy? American Christianity is greatly influenced by American … Read more

Buddhism and Christianity -Japanese

私は僧侶になり、大学で仏教を研究していました。そして、韓国仏教を学びに韓国のソウルに留学し、ソウルの教会で聖書を学んでいたとき、イエス様を信じ救われました。その経験から、仏教のことについても、お話したいと思います。 Matsuoka, Hirokazu was born in Tokyo as a son of a Buddhist priest, and began working as a Buddhist priest while at university. After graduation, he continued his Buddhist studies, abroad in South Korea. Invited by another Japanese student to attend a local church’s Christmas gathering, he felt he could try church once, since … Read more

Buddhism and Christianity

Matsuoka, Hirokazu was born in Tokyo as a son of a Buddhist priest, and began working as a Buddhist priest while at university. After graduation, he continued his Buddhist studies, abroad in South Korea. Invited by another Japanese student to attend a local church’s Christmas gathering, he felt he could try church once, since he … Read more

Cultural Barriers to Gospel

Why are the Japanese so hard to lead to Christ? Let’s take a look at some of the major cultural barriers behind their resistance to the Gospel. Bio: She was born in Shizuoka City in Japan and has been living in the US for about 23 years. In 1997, an American woman who was on … Read more

「進化論に対する3つのキリスト教的創造論の紹介」 Three Different Christian Theories of Creation in Response to Secular Evolutionism (Audio)

このセミナーでは三つの創造論が仮説として紹介されます。多くの日本語の文献が紹介されます。日本語を話す人が、世俗的進化論に対していくつか答えがあることを知る助けとなります。 Bio: He is pastor of Detroit Japanese Christian Fellowship. He was Lecturer of Systematic Theology, and Christian Ethics at Discipleship Training Centre and Head of the Department of Theology at Biblical Graduate School of Theology in Singapore. He received his Ph. D. at Institute for Christian Studies in Toronto (in conjunction with Free University … Read more

キリシタン大名高山右近にならいて」Following The Example of Ukon Takayama

Pastor Iwabuchi left his ministry at Yokohama Bible Church and came to Wheaton University in 1969. After graduating there, he studied at Fuller Seminary. After ministries in Los Angeles and Manhatten, he came to Seattle in 1977, serving the Blaine Memorial Church Japanese division. 岩渕 宏安, 横浜聖書教会での奉仕を終え、1969年に渡米し、ホイートン大学院とフラー神学校で学ぶ。その後ロスアンジェルスとマンハッタンにおいて牧会をし、1977年にシアトルに移り、ブレインメモリアル合同メソジストで2008年まで牧会する。現在は、同じ教会でパートタイムの奉仕を続けている。

Santa Clause & Culture

This short conference recording looks at the import of western Santa Clause Christmas culture to Japan and the confusion that it causes in understanding what is cultural and what is truth that is imported by missionaries and foreigners.

Preparing A Japanese Matsuri

Gordon Kaneda shares in this conference seminar about their experience in deciding if or how they should hold a matsuri as a means of outreach and how they executed this event.

Japan From The Outside In

Dennis lived in Japan for over 20 years, ministering along with his wife and 5 children in rural Japan. He brings to the table a perspective developed from years in the very traditional and deeply religious areas of Japan. He has a fine understanding of and deep appreciation for Japanese Culture.
