Japanese Redemptive Analogy

Japanese Redemptive Analogy webinar will examine three main points: First, an indigenous Japanese name for the Creator God, and how it helps address the objection of Christianity being a foreign religion; Second, the parallel between the Japanese and Hebrew world view concerning sin and its solution; Third, share the redemptive analogy developed in Brian’s book, … Read more

Apologetic Signposts

Utilizing the tools of apologetics, this seminar identifies specific Japanese historical distinctions which contribute to endemic apathy toward the Gospel. Tips on surfacing objections to the Gospel are covered in this teaching. Bio: Marty is a consultant specializing in conversational evangelism. He is the President of Stairway Division, a nonprofit, which promotes the propagation of … Read more

Is There A Japanized Christianity And An Americanized Christianity? 「『日本のキリスト教』と『アメリカのキリスト教』ってあるの?」

Shusaku Endo, in Silence, states that “Even if you plant the sapling called ‘Christianity’ in the swamp called ‘Japan’, the roots will begin to rot”. Does our faith become something different in the soil called “Japan”? How do we reply to this message? We would like to think about this together. 「キリスト教という苗を日本という沼地に植えても、根が腐っていく」と遠藤周作は「沈黙」の中で述べています。日本という土壌の中で、私たちの信仰は違ったものになってしまうのか?このメッセージに、私たちはどのように答えるでしょうか?一緒に考えていきたいと思います。Bio: After graduating from … Read more

Seeing Double

In our globally connected world, more and more people are significantly shaped by two or more distinct cultures. How does this shape how we understand and respond to the good news of Jesus? How can we intentionally pray about and integrate our cultures of origin to deepen our devotion, discipleship, and delight in God?

Tools for Cross Cultural Communication

Sylvia and her husband Mark served as missionaries in Japan for 20 years, using English classes as a ministry tool. She now serves as Minister of International Ministry at Westminster Chapel in Bellevue, Washington.

Culture Specific Evangelism

“If a PC computer user said, “I use a PC because the MAC computer is just garbage, it can’t process anything!” A MAC user would reply, “No way, the MAC is the best!” Well, says the PC user, “I can prove the MAC is a hunk of junk right now!” “How can you prove that … Read more
